Monday, August 18, 2008

A first.....

Well here it is, a first for us! I want to do my best and be a "blogger" and join my many other friend who are already pros, but the main reason for this blog is because our best buds , The Burleys, have moved away. So sad, I know! We miss them terribly, but God has great things in store for their family!! We wanted to be selfish and keep them here, but with today's technology there are many ways to keep in touch! Hurray for text messaging!!!!!! So I solemnly swear to uphold the bloggers' rules and keep a post going! I am sure I will get slack when I have to go back to work, but I will do my best!!!


The Burleys said...

YAY!!! Welcome to blogville! Soooo glad I can keep up with you like this now! We miss you guys very much and love you even more!

The McConnell Clan said...
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Anonymous said...

Emily Said...
YAY...I'm so glad that you have a blog now!!! One more blg to add to my list to read...if you thing about it...blogger is like my day much happens!!! Love ya!!! Can't wait till Eli comes.