Thursday, January 15, 2009

What to say...

So here is just a quick post about what has been going on in my head lately. What do you do when you know someone has a problem, an addiction if you want to call it that, and you have no idea how to even begin helping them? I know I can pray for them and I have, but I want to be able to get inside their head and figure out how to solve the problem and I just cant. It makes me really sad.....I have no clue about the hold this "disease" has on this person. I try to be there for them and comfort and encourage, but I guess that is all I can do. Sorry this is so dark, but I though maybe if I wrote this down and got some feedback it would begin to make sense. I am asking God to use me in their life if it is His will. I pray for the words to say that may help them.......Pray for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emily Said...
I will definatly pray for you. I am here for you whenever you need me!!! Love ya!!!